Iman Daniella. Our Chancho. Hasn't she grown? But she still has her father's frown. Why do we call her Chancho?
Because she reminds us of the character Chancho in the movie Nacho Libre (the boy on Jack Black's right).
And Isobel Daniella?
The unladylike girl in the blue/middle with her cousin in-laws during Raya recently. She's never climbed a tree before in her life. So I showed her how to. EVERYONE should climb a tree at least ONCE in their life! =)
... is Esqueleto from the same movie! Look below :
kan? |
awww...but mummy loves both my girls. Chancho and Esqueleto. The sunshine to our lives!
It was very unfortunate that I was only able to breastfeed Isobel (my first child) for less than a month. I was ready for the pain of childbirth, but not breastfeeding! And I didn't know what to do as I was always engorged and in so much pain. Poor Isobel was crying all the time as I did not have the strength to endure the whole thing and she didn't get enough milk (I gave up too quickly cause my nipples were too sore).
I was one of the first in my batch of girlfriends who had a baby, so I didn't really have no one to talk to about this. My (ex)mother in-law told me she could never breastfeed, so she was unable to help me -- and she believed that I was not to cry during my confinement period, as it was 'bad' -- so I cried quietly behind close doors, trying not to drop a tear, afraid of the evil that will come if I even blinked away a tear.
And mum, who was so far away from Bel and I, could only offer prayers and words of comfort over the phone -- telling me that it will get easier, and less painful over time.
It was hard to believe her, but I should have prodded on.
4 years later, I had my second child, Iman - AND I had more girlfriends breastfeeding successfully -- sharing me their pains, woes and best of all, solutions.
At the hospital, I felt like a loser after failing to do VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean). 33 long hours in labor, we finally had to do an emergency C-sec as baby was in distress and I was losing strength. So, breastfeeding Iman was my next goal.
I am glad I prodded on despite the cracked nipples, engorged breasts and feeling like a cow ALL the time (not to forget, feeling unattractive and unsexylike).
With breastfeeding, came my hormonal changes that was causing my body to go through some crazy changes. My once flawless skin became greasy and zit prone. I was hungry ALL the time, so all plans to get back into shape went down the drain, and because I was still breastfeeding, I was prescribed a jab-like contraception -- which added more havoc to my hormon system. Suffice to say, I can't wait to wean her off breastmilk, but I know it's the best for her -- "just one more year"is what I tell myself. Plus she prefers my milk or EBM to formula. I'm going to take that as a positive sign. She finds her mummy yummy.
Geddit? Snort.
Check out Bel's reaction. She obviously doesn't give a hoot on who the old fella is. At least Iman showed a teeny bit of interest. Or did she think he was her Aki? |
To breastfeeding. But let it still be done in style.
El Chancho.
Eleanor by Daphne Iking
Girls in clothes.