Saturday, September 22, 2012

For just RM99!

El Chancho comes in 6 different colours!

Bashful Extrovert
She's inspired by my friend Lola - who is into Gothic fashion. Mysterious and quiet, she shows the loud side of herself through her zany, dark fashion sense. 

Misconstrued Saint
There was once upon a time, that I LOVED my Daisy Duke denim shorts! Dad used to be so cross with me, and I could never understand why. The shorts were comfy and didn't tear as easy as the cotton bermuda ones that mum would persuade me to use instead. Everyone needs denim in their closet. Right?

Fun Under The Sun
I love beige. It's a safe colour for everyone. I chose this colour to be part of my first batch because when I went looking for a poncho of my own, I wanted something plain. None of these baby-like designed material sort of thingy-ma-jig. I chose the wooden buttons to push a 'green message ' across. I hope to be working with bamboo material soon. =)

Exploding Factor
I cannot say no to chocolate. I have a fridge full of chocolates, and I even make my own pralines so I can choose the fillings that I want inside! And they say, chocolate is great for bonding time with your partner. Need I say more? =)

Wild Jane
I fell in love with this colour because it's so vibrant! Whilst shopping for material, I was caressing this material for the longest time before deciding on buying it. I wanted to go for all plain colours for my first batch -- unsure where this home business would lead me to -- I am glad I got this and the one below just to add variety to the first collection. 

The Forlorn Princess
This reminded me of a time when I was playing with gypsies in the UK while dad was studying there, and the whole family was brought along. I loved how they smelt (of oils and flowers) and how they taught me so many amazing things like map reading, building swings and tree houses, fishing by the pond. I was very cross when my neighbours complained to mum and dad that I was playing with the thieves. My parents, thank God-- were more level-headed than that. I think folks are just too judgmental. I can't wait to go back to Canterbury to see if they still live there.

EL Chancho with my Chanchito.
I love both my girls so very much. xoxo

For orders, do email Free postage for Malaysian addresses. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Just when I'm wrapping yet another El Chancho order to be sent out...

 I get this on my instagram feed. One of El Chancho's first customers who bought Exploding Factor a few hours after we virtually launched El Chancho Eleanor By Daphne Iking.

I truly feel so humbled with gratitude. Thank you Joe Lebosi, my love and hate sparring partner for pushing me to do this. Love you.

Hasn't she grown?

Iman Daniella. Our Chancho. Hasn't she grown? But she still has her father's frown. Why do we call her Chancho?

Because she reminds us of the character Chancho in the movie Nacho Libre (the boy on Jack Black's right).

And Isobel Daniella?

The unladylike girl in the blue/middle with her cousin in-laws during Raya recently. She's never climbed a tree before in her life. So I showed her how to. EVERYONE should climb a tree at least ONCE in their life!

... is Esqueleto from the same movie! Look below :


awww...but mummy loves both my girls. Chancho and Esqueleto. The sunshine to our lives!

It was very unfortunate that I was only able to breastfeed Isobel (my first child) for less than a month. I was ready for the pain of childbirth, but not breastfeeding! And I didn't know what to do as I was always engorged and in so much pain. Poor Isobel was crying all the time as I did not have the strength to endure the whole thing and she didn't get enough milk (I gave up too quickly cause my nipples were too sore).

I was one of the first in my batch of girlfriends who had a baby, so I didn't really have no one to talk to about this. My (ex)mother in-law told me she could never breastfeed, so she was unable to help me -- and she believed that I was not to cry during my confinement period, as it was 'bad' -- so I cried quietly behind close doors, trying not to drop a tear, afraid of the evil that will come if I even blinked away a tear.
And mum, who was so far away from Bel and I, could only offer prayers and words of comfort over the phone -- telling me that it will get easier, and less painful over time.

It was hard to believe her, but I should have prodded on.

4 years later, I had my second child, Iman - AND I had more girlfriends breastfeeding successfully -- sharing me their pains, woes and best of all, solutions.

At the hospital, I felt like a loser after failing to do VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean). 33 long hours in labor, we finally had to do an emergency C-sec as baby was in distress and I was losing strength. So, breastfeeding Iman was my next goal.

I am glad I prodded on despite the cracked nipples, engorged breasts and feeling like a cow ALL the time (not to forget, feeling unattractive and unsexylike).

With breastfeeding, came my hormonal changes that was causing my body to go through some crazy changes. My once flawless skin became greasy and zit prone. I was hungry ALL the time, so all plans to get back into shape went down the drain, and because I was still breastfeeding, I was prescribed a jab-like contraception -- which added more havoc to my hormon system. Suffice to say, I can't wait to wean her off breastmilk, but I know it's the best for her -- "just one more year"is what I tell myself. Plus she prefers my milk or EBM to formula. I'm going to take that as a positive sign. She finds her mummy yummy.

Geddit? Snort.

Check out Bel's reaction. She obviously doesn't give a hoot on who the old fella is. At least Iman showed a teeny bit of interest. Or did she think he was her Aki?

To breastfeeding. But let it still be done in style.


El Chancho.
Eleanor by Daphne Iking

Girls in clothes.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


It's okay to dream. But work on that dream -- and it can come true!

Monday, September 17, 2012

How to fold your El Chancho

Here's a short demo on how to fold your El Chancho neatly into a little pouch.

El Chancho comes in SIX

Dear Mummies, Here are the six designs to choose from:
Everyone has secrets. Dark and hidden. How mysterious. Bashful Lola loves her  red-eye cat. It's the sparkle to her eyes. Just like you. =)

50% of women claim to prefer chocolate to sex. Another study suggests eating dark chocolate was more rewarding than passionate kissing. Maybe I didn't have much chocolate back then, that's why now, I have you. What a bliss.

Sandy loves the beach and who wouldn't? The sound of the ocean soothes any restless soul. I dreamt of you after walking along the soft and pristine sandy beach. 9 months later, my dream came true.

I met a bunch of gypsies  while looking for pansies as a centerpiece. The Princess of the lot showed me how to build a fairy house and I invited them over for tea. One day, when you're old enough, I'll show you how to build a play castle. Just you and me.

Daisy is always trying to help others in need, but has an unfortunate habit of landing herself (and her friends) into trouble. Comfortable in her soft, denim shorts, Daisy may seem naive, but she ain't a bimbo. I'm glad I had Daisy holding my hand, when you came into my world.

The Ape man loves Jane for  a reason. Beautiful, intelligent and strong - there's also a wild side to Jane that brings out the animal in him. You're our strong, little Korak. x

El Chancho: 6 colours to choose from

Saturday, September 15, 2012

El Chancho

Dear Mummy,

El Chancho, was inspired while breastfeeding my second daughter, Iman Daniella. I could not find a nursing poncho that I was 100% happy with, so I came up with my own design.

The stiff-curved neckline creates a ‘viewing window’ which allows me to peek through so I can keep a tab on my lil’ one discreetly. It allows ventilation so baby is kept cool while she feeds.

This nursing cover has adjustable neck straps and an inner pocket to keep wet wipes, pads and/or pacifiers, which folds in nicely into a pouch that slips in neatly into any bag.

El Chancho comes in 6 colours : Bashful Extrovert, Exploding Factor, Wild Jane, The Misconstrued Saint, The Forlorn Princess and Fun Under the Sun.

Get to know each member of El Chancho and the instructions on folding her via this blog.

Sewn with love,                                                                                                                                               


Eleanor by Daphne Iking